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Eager Park

Frontline Management Services, started in 2012 as the exclusive provider of clean and safe services for Eager Park, an 88-acre community that transformed a disinvested area in east Baltimore into what is today a healthy and thriving mixed-use community.
Our 9-year affiliation with the Eager Park project spanned all stages of development – from planning, to construction through all phased openings. In addition to clean and safe services, Frontline Management Services provides consultation and leadership on all aspects of public safety, manages the delivery of supplemental cleaning and safety services, provides third party contracted uniform security service, and supports marketing and physical improvement programs.
Seniors, families and staff and students from Johns Hopkins Hospital and University live side by side in the Eager Park neighborhood. It offers housing in a wide range of housing option , from new and restored town homes to mid-rise and high-rise apartment buildings.
Frontline Management Services has proudly provided clean and safe services to the Eager Park community for close to a decade, and is proud to see it grow and transform into on of Baltimore's cleanest, safest and desirable communities.